Friday 31 October 2014

What's the Best Method of Comparing Cheap Car Insurance Quotes?

Let's say you are looking for the cheapest car insurance quotes you can find. You can do in one of several ways. You can work with a local agent, you can contact multiple insurance companies one at a time, or you can obtain quotes online. Which method is the best?

I'll answer that question in just a minute. First, I want to stress the importance of getting multiple quotes if you want the cheapest car insurance rates. The more quotes you can gather, the greater the chances you will find the lowest price out there.

Online Is the Best Method

Back in the days when car insurance first became popular in the U.S., it was almost unheard of for drivers to purchase directly from the insurance company. Drivers went through independent agents, agents that represented multiple companies with multiple policies.

A new generation of drivers in the 1970s and 80s discovered they could get better prices by working directly with insurance companies. Though independent agents still existed, they were seeing fewer customers utilizing them solely for car insurance.

In the 21st century, things are completely different thanks, in part, to the Internet. Now we can enjoy comparing the cheapest car insurance quotes online without ever having to talk to an agent or insurance company salesperson. I believe this is the best method for the following reasons:

    it's quick and easy
    you don't have to endure high-pressure sales tactics
    you can get quotes and compare them on your own schedule
    you can view quotes side-by-side for easier comparison

Online Quote Options

If you agree that comparing insurance quotes online is the best way to go, you have two options. The first is to go to the websites of individual insurance companies and request a quote. This isn't a bad option but it is time consuming. If you are working online to avoid wasting time then this is not the way to do it.

The second option is to utilize rate quote comparison websites. They offer you an online form you can fill out in just a matter of minutes. The information they collect is then submitted to multiple insurance companies offering policies in your area. The key is you only enter your information once.

You fill out the form then sit back and wait for the cheapest car insurance quotes to arrive in your e-mail. Whenever you are ready, you can compare those quotes and narrow them down to the top two or three choices.

Tips for Comparing Quotes

When you are ready to begin comparing the quotes you receive, it might helpful to print them out first. This lets you put the quotes side-by-side on a table where you can compare them item-by-item without having to switch back and forth between computer screens. Yes, paper does still have some value in the 21st century.

When you are comparing, also pay attention to each individual item as it relates to the other quotes. For example, under the liability section you will see a specific set of numbers that looks something like 15/30/15. These numbers represent, in tens of thousands of dollars, how much liability insurance a policy offers.

If all the quotes show the same numbers then all you need be concerned about is what you are being charged. If those numbers are different, it's important to consider those in terms of overall value.

Comparing the cheapest car insurance quotes online lets you find the right car insurance quickly and easily. If you need a new policy today, take advantage of our free quote tool and get started right now.

Compare the cheapest car insurance quotes online at Cheap Car Insurance #1! - Save $100s a year on auto insurance coverage by comparing rate quotes from leading insurance companies.

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